Earn Continuing Education Credits
FariaLearn courses are eligible for collegiate credit through Kent State University's Lifelong Learning program
This Advanced System Admin course takes a look into how to customize the unit and lesson planner templates used by teachers and curriculum developers as they plan curriculum.
Learn about the role of the ATLs in the PYP classroom. With support, learners will make a plan to demonstrate new understandings and/or abilities.
Develop your understanding of how to plan for the teaching and learning of explicit ATL skills.
Participants will come to a deeper understanding of the importance of teaching the ATL skills and ways to implement the ATL skills into PYP teaching.
Participants will explore the importance of reflecting on students’ ATL skill learning and how to effectively reflect on students’ ATL skill learning.
Explore ways to meaningfully assess understanding of unit goals and review elements of quality assessments, success criteria and components of UDL. Also learn how to document these assessments in Atlas.
From essential navigation courses to professional development, FariaLearn is here to help make the most of the Faria products in your school and strengthen your curriculum and instruction.