Atlas How-To for Curriculum Trak Schools
For schools transitioning from Curriculum Trak to Atlas, get up to speed on how to make the most of Atlas in your curriculum work!
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Essential, Atlas
Walk through Atlas and explore how to view curriculum from across your school and make Atlas personalized to your goals. Practice the features used in developing a course pacing calendar and adding information in units for your assigned courses.
All Courses, Premium, Atlas
Unpack the purpose of curriculum mapping and explore best practices to create quality units.
All Courses, Premium, Atlas
Use your curriculum in Atlas to answer questions about ongoing instruction. In this session you will learn how to explore the data in Atlas to review curriculum and examine alignment.
All Courses, Premium, Atlas
Walk through the technical steps for developing lessons that make units come alive and explore best practices for organization and planning.
All Courses, Premium, Atlas
Explore ways to meaningfully assess understanding of unit goals and review elements of quality assessments, success criteria and components of UDL. Also learn how to document these assessments in Atlas.
All Courses, Essential, Atlas
Expore the four basic functions to keep your site up-to-date and ready for continued curriculum development.