Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Welcome video

    3. Course Framework

    4. Learning Outcomes

    5. Learning Log

    1. Foundations of the Approaches to Learning (Why?)

    2. Explore: What is Global Competence?

    3. Explore: What are 21st Century Skills?

    4. Reflect 1: How might your students respond?

    5. Reflect 2: How do your students compare?

    1. The Approaches to Learning Explained (How?)

    2. Explore: What are the Approaches to Learning?

    3. Exploring the ATL Skill Clusters

    4. Exploring the ATL Categories

    5. Explore the ATL Skills, Clusters and Indicators

    6. Interacting with the ATL Categories, Clusters and Skill Indicators

    1. Taking Action with the Approaches to Learning (What?)

    2. Take Action

    3. Reflect & Confirm

    4. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Extend

    2. Discus with colleagues

    3. Thank you!

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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