Course Curriculum

    1. Meet Your Instructor

    2. Course Goals

    3. Course Flow

    4. Guiding Questions

    5. Research References

    1. Introduction to executive function skills

    2. Which executive function skills are critical to school success?

    3. What is your executive function skills profile?

    4. Where in the brain are executive function skills located?

    5. What are the brain processes that impact executive function skill development?

    6. How does the brain change over time?

    7. Learning Log Reflection: What? So What? Now What?

    8. Online Interaction

    1. Five As Protocol

    1. Response Inhibition

    2. Working Memory

    3. Emotional Control

    4. Flexibility

    5. Sustained Attention

    6. Task Initiation

    7. Planning/Prioritizing

    8. Time Management

    9. Organization

    10. Goal-Directed Persistence

    11. Metacognition

    12. Go Deeper : Dropbox Resources

    13. Learning Log Reflection: What? So What? Now What?

    1. Five As Protocol

    1. Steps One and Two - Familiarize and Apply EF Skill Terminology to Student Learning and Behaviour

    2. Step Three - Introduce EF Vocabulary and Concepts to Students

    3. Step Four and Five - Illuminate and Connect EF Skills in Students' Lives

    4. Learning Log Reflection: What? So What? Now What?

    5. Online Interaction

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 4 hours to complete

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