Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Welcome video

    3. Course Framework

    4. Learning Outcomes

    5. Learning Log

    1. The Importance of Reflecting on Impact (Why?)

    2. Explore: Why assess ATL Learning?

    3. Explore: Why should we develop our assessment capabilities?

    4. Reflect: Why are my assessment responsibilities?

    1. Strategies for Evaluating the Impact of ATL Skills (How?)

    2. Explore: How do we assess ATL learning?

    3. Explore: What can we do when we aren't making an impact?

    4. What can we do when we aren't making an impact?

    5. Interact: Choose the most appropriate focus area for your next steps

    1. Including ATL Skills Reflection in our Programmes (What?)

    2. Take action

    3. Reflect & Confirm

    4. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Extend

    2. Discuss with colleagues

    3. Thank you!

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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