Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. FOCUS

    3. Learning Log

    1. Getting started - Mission Aligned

    2. Mission-Aligned CAS Programming

    3. Importance of Mission-Driven programs for Service Learning and CAS

    4. Setting Expectations

    5. CAS Guidelines

    6. REFLECT on what you know

    7. What is a CAS experience?

    8. Is it CAS - Worksheet

    9. What qualifies as CAS?

    10. Getting started - Role Models

    11. Student Goal Setting

    12. Learning through CAS

    13. What does success look like?

    14. REFLECT on a successful CAS program

    1. Note to the Learner

    2. Getting started - SWOT anaysis

    3. *SWOT Analysis Template

    4. Getting started -Strategic Plan

    1. Getting Started - Making it Fun

    2. Creating your CAS calendar

    3. How are you going to get started?

    4. CAS Calendar Template

    5. How do we create legacy?

    6. REFLECT on how to make CAS induction inspiring and fun


    1. Quick review


    3. Confirm your understanding

    1. Next session

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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