Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Aims for all sessions

    3. Focus: Learning Outcomes

    4. Learning Log

    5. Icons

    6. Introduce yourself

    1. What are learning outcomes and why do we have them?

    2. How do these experiences link to the learning outcomes?

    3. How do these experiences link to the learning outcomes?

    4. Reflect on what you know

    5. Learning Outcome Resource Links

    1. Reflection - getting started

    2. How do you support your students in writing good reflections?

    3. Refection templates and ideas - providing structure

    4. How much is enough?

    5. Reflection - some guidance from the IB

    6. Examples of student reflection

    7. I learnt to swim so I could learn to dive. Tenzing - Tibet

    8. Examples of evidence

    9. Reflecting on reflection

    1. Getting started - Interview 1

    2. CAS interview 1

    3. How to make the most of the interview


    1. Confirm you understanding

    2. Take action

    3. Review of Quarter 2

    4. Continue learning with MiniPD

    5. The Third Quater - What will we cover

    6. Discuss with colleagues

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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