Course curriculum

    1. Focus: Introduction Video

    2. Aims for all sessions

    3. Focus: Learning Outcomes

    4. Learning Log

    5. Icons

    6. Introduce yourself

    1. CAS progress checks

    2. REFLECT on how and when you do your progress checks

    3. HOW do you do progress checks

    4. CAS rubric

    5. REFLECT on the changes you are going to implement?

    1. Introducing CAS Projects - TMB Panyee FC short film

    2. REFLECT on what you know

    3. CAS projects - getting started

    4. Celebrating Success

    5. Example of UWC Thailand Project week

    6. INTERACT - what are your thoughts?

    7. Support templates

    1. Interviews 2 and 3 - getting started

    2. Interviews 2 and 3

    3. REFLECT on your Interview 2 and 3 process

    4. CAS interview templates

    1. How do you celebrate the end of CAS for DP2

    2. Completion

    3. Examples of final reflections

    1. Confirm Your Understanding

    2. Take Action

    3. Review of Quarter 3

    4. Discuss with colleagues

    5. The Fourth Quarter - what we will focus on

About this course

  • FariaPD course included with FariaLearn subscription
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Estimated 2 hours to complete

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