Reflecting on Learning التّفكير في التّعلم
Learn how to guide students as they reflect on their learning to deepen experiences and transfer skills.
Getting Started
Finding Your Way
What to Expect
Confirming Learning
Let's Go
كلمة ترحيب
مخرجات التعلّم
كتيب التأملات
آثار تطوير تفكير الطالب
Links الروابط
Reflection التأمّل
How we measure student thinking? How we can make thinking visible? كيف نقيس تفكير الطالب؟ وكيف نجعله مرئيا؟
Routine: Color- Symbol –Image روتين اللون والرمز والصورة
Routine: Zoom in - Zoom on روتين الصورة المجزّأة
Routine: See- Think - Wonder روتين أرى / أفكّر / أتساءل
شريط لعبة على الطريق
Routine: Beauty and truth روتين الجميل و الحقيقي
Routine: +1 روتين زائد ١
Routine: Connect- extend -Challenge روتين أربط / أتوسع/ أتحدى
المصادر والمراجع
Take action المبادرة
Final reflection تأمّل نهائي
Reflect تأمّل
Quiz تقييم عن التفكير في التعلّم
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Learn how to guide students as they reflect on their learning to deepen experiences and transfer skills.
Learn how students’ engagement is connected to the function of the brain. Plan effective lesson starters that will engage all learners. All strategies offered are inquiry- based and will allow learners to co-construct learning with each other.
Explore why we, as educators, need to put the students at the center, how we will do it and then they will plan for lessons where the students are the center.
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